I fell in love with Macbeth while I was studying set design at the Academy of Fine Arts, and I've been dreaming of tackling it as an illustrator for 30 years. I finally get to do it now. I've got the freedom to focus on what I consider to be the tragedy's heart: the conscious mind struggling with the unconscious, desire, guilt and madness.

Act I-Scene III: The Witches
Sincere and deceptive. Feminine and masculine. Fascinating and sinister. Sensual and frightening. I feel them to be Macbeth's unconscious desire for power. I was inspired for the pose by Egon Schiele's nudes (I adore him).

Act III-Scene II:“Full of scorpions is my mind.”

Act II-Scene II: “Had he not resembled my father…”

Act II-Scene II:"Wash this blood clean from my hand"

Act V - Scene I: “Will these hands ne’er be clean?”

Act III-Scene II:“Full of scorpions is my mind.” Detail